Designing for Human Interaction in the Office

Designing for Human Interaction in the Office

Organizations are increasingly realizing that in order to attract and retain topmost talent, they must ensure work environments promote productivity, wellness and meaningful, human interactions. However, accomplishing this requires more that simply a deep understanding of space usage and work process but, above all else, empathy. To truly understand what employees expect from and how they engage with their work environments, office design leaders have to start building emotional connections with employees. But how can you build emotional connections with employees at scale? Ahead of the 2019 Future Offices conference, we sat down with office design leaders from Instacart, Citrix, HMS, and more to find out.

Download this piece to gain real-world approaches to:

  • Articulating the value of human-centric design
  • Selecting design elements that facilitate human interaction and creativity
  • Embracing a data-driven approach to office design
  • Cultivating a culture that supports office design and fosters collaboration
  • Leveraging cutting-edge tools and techniques for understanding and designing the right work environments for your company

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