Creating Agile and Motivated Teams Through 
Learning & Development 

Free Interactive Online Event
September 19, 2023

John Gallagher

Client Empowerment Manager Praxis Labs

John is a Client Empowerment Manager and holds an MSW in Community Organizing and Interpersonal Practice with over 10 years of experience designing, implementing, and evaluating learning programs. John specializes in facilitation, crafting high-impact experiences while ensuring participants have a productive, authentic, and brave learning environment in which to both learn and unlearn. John operates from an anti-oppression perspective aimed at individual and social liberation and is committed to advocating alongside individuals, groups, and communities to ensure the inclusion and understanding of all people.

Day One

11:30 AM Creating Effective Leaders: Redefining Manager Training Through DEI

Despite the billions that companies pour into manager training each year, many L&D professionals find themselves grappling with a sobering reality — traditional management skills training often falls short of delivering meaningful results. Shockingly, half of employees who leave their companies don't quit their jobs; they quit their managers. This costly exodus wastes billions annually.

Managers wield an outsized influence on engagement, retention, and employees' sense of inclusion and belonging. Equipping them with the skills needed to excel isn't just a nice-to-have; it's a strategic imperative for businesses striving to remain resilient and competitive.

In this session, in-house experts from Praxis Labs confront the limitations of conventional manager training and explore how a DEI approach to manager training can redefine how managers and people leaders lead while contributing to organizational success.

Join this session to:

  • Understand the current limitations of traditional manager skills training
  • Uncover how integrating DEI principles into manager training is key to success
  • Learn practical strategies for infusing DEI into manager training programs
  • Discover how to make your training more actionable, relevant, and effective in today’s diverse and dynamic world