Strategies to Engage, Develop, and Retain Talent  

Free Interactive Online Event
December 05, 2023

Nicole DuBois

Chief Human Resources Officer Graham Windham

Nicole DuBois is a people-oriented and dedicated leader and human resources executive with more than 17 years of organization-wide leadership experience. She possesses broad experience in Talent and Organizational Management and is a proven leader with a penchant for talent development and quality improvement strategies. Nicole delivers strategies for improving organizational efficiencies and is focused on continually exceeding corporate and agency objectives ensuring mission and vision alignment. Nicole is a graduate of Fordham University and New York University where she earned her Bachelor of Science in Psychology & Urban Studies and Master’s in Counselling for Mental Health & Wellness.

She is presently the Chief Human Resources Officer at a Graham Windham, the non-profit human services organization in New York City originally founded by three women including Eliza Hamilton (the then orphanage, founded in 1806 is mentioned in the Broadway musical, Hamilton!).

In her leisure time, Nicole enjoys traveling internationally and creative writing. Nicole was born and raised in New York City and currently resides in New Jersey with her husband, 12-year-old son and two stepsons.

Day One

1:00 PM Generations in the workplace: managing age diverse cross-generational talent

We are living through an unprecedented time of multi-generational collaboration in the workplace with four active generations comprising our workforce – baby boomers, generation X, millennials and generation Z. With a wider range of skills and talent pool to draw from but differing priorities and approaches to work. Businesses that design their talent strategy inclusively will reap the greatest benefits - we can no longer adopt a one-size-fits-all talent management strategy.

Join us for this discussion as we delve into strategies to manage a cross-generational workforce.

Learn how:

  • Cross-generational approaches to hiring can enhance communication, creativity and productivity.
  • To design an inclusive talent acquisition and hiring process using advanced technology.
  • To implement multi-generational communication, feedback and benefit programs.