
Is a prospective employee's "fit" more important than his or her résumé?

Is it more important for a prospective employee to fit in with the company than to have an impressive resume? The question of what makes for a good fit and what qualities are non-negotiables are discussed in this podcast. HR Exchange Network editor Mason Stevenson spoke with Fit First Technologies president and HR Exchange Network advisory board member Jan van der Hoop on the topic. For a copy sent to you email >>> enquiryiqpc@iqpc.com 

AI and Machine Learning and Analytics, Oh My!

In an age when HR professionals feel overwhelmed and confused by all of the changes, having someone to pave the way (of the yellow brick road) can be helpful!  Flex CHRO Paul Baldassari discusses how his company applies artificial intelligence, maching learning, and analytics to increase agility, development and productivity. For a copy sent to you email >>> enquiryiqpc@iqpc.com