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Employee Engagement Survey Template

There are many ways to measure engagement, but best practices for a traditional approach will measure the following:

  • Pride in the company
  • Intention to stay with the company
  • Likelihood to recommend the company to friends or family (fast becoming an “ENPS”
  • or “Employee Net Promoter Score”)
  • Motivation to go above and beyond for the company

Naturally, a robust measure of engagement will need to cover the above mentioned concepts.  However, it’s not enough to only measure engagement. Engagement is an “outcome measure” that is influenced by a number of other factors. Additional factors like benefits, management, resources, etc. also impact employee experience, and should be considered when building your engagement survey.

Download Qualtric’s Employee Engagement Survey Template.

What you'll learn:

  • Get a set of questions which you can use as-is, or add/remove questions.
  • Best practices for measuring pride in the company, intention to stay, likelihood to recommend, motivation and more.
  • How to find the right balance between asking enough questions to be robust, and not asking so many questions that your survey becomes too long.
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