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About the Drucker Perspective

The world knows that Peter F. Drucker was the greatest management thinker of the last century. He was the creator and inventor of modern management. His teachings form a blueprint for every thinking leader.

In a world of quick fixes and glib explanations, today's managers would be well advised to absorb and put into action Drucker's thought processes and analyses. It will pay amazing dividends.

We have only 1,440 priceless minutes each day. To earn the rewards we want, we must invest more of those minutes exposing ourselves to new idea experiences.

Learning is nothing more than thinking with other people's ideas. There is no better source for ideas on solving complex management problems than Drucker.

His views on management, organizational design, business strategy, leadership development and knowledge worker productivity have tutored not just companies but churches, countries, hospitals and the like.

Drucker's contributions need frequent repetition and broad dissemination. Every issue of e-BIM will feature an article on the Drucker Perspective as it relates to HR/talent management/training.

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