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Reinventing Training and Learning to Leverage Organizational Success

Katherine Mehr | 10/07/2009

For every organization, training and learning are key initiatives to have in place for employee development, engagement and productivity. Providing employees with the opportunity to succeed personally and professional has a direct result on the organization’s bottom line.

In order to leverage organizational goals, One Point Patient Care had to revisit and revamp their learning function. The learning function transitioned from being outsourced to in house. Former training initiatives for One Point included having an HR professional and/or an external consultant train employees in their single location. However, One Point has grown and now consists of five locations; therefore they needed to revisit the execution of their training that remained cost effective across all locations.

The most logical and cost effective training solution for One Point was to transition to Web-based training. In doing so, One Point was able to conduct learning objectives via webinars and other online tools.

While adapting to this revamped training initiative, the organization created "One Team Celebrated" learning campaign that focuses on training and development, rewards and recognition, performance management and succession planning. The campaign is designed to help employees grow and serves as a way the organization can give back and appreciate their people.

Melanie Boone, Senior Director of Human Resources discussed with Human Resources IQ the new Web-based training initiatives and how the transition has helped her people and organization grow and succeed.

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