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Stanford HR Director: Employer Brand must be nurtured over time

Every HR department is looking for the right talent for their respective organizations.  With the changing workforce, however, it gets more difficult every year.  And it’s not just a change in the generations, it’s the constant barrage of new and/or changing technology strategies. 

The issue will be addressed during the HR Tech Online Summit North America event (June 11-12, 2019) in a session presented by Stanford Children’s Health Director of HR Dr. Ekta Vyas.  She will discuss digital ways to improve the employer brand and how to share it with the right job candidates.  She will also share a great success story with using technology for employer branding.

In an introductory interview with HR Exchange Network editor-in-chief Mason Stevenson, Dr. Vyas discussed how she became a HR professional and previewed her upcoming presentation.

Employer Branding and Technology

Mason Stevenson

How did you get into Human Resources?

Dr. Ekta Vyas

With a background in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, and a flair for management, Human Resources was a natural destination for me. The scientific perspective and skillset that I developed through being in the field of I/O Psychology, created multiple opportunities for me to perform in an HR environment with an analytics and evidence based lens, and drive my programs with a strategic thought process.

Mason Stevenson

If you could fix one problem in Human Resources regardless of industry and if you had unlimited power to do so, what would it be?

Dr. Ekta Vyas

Preparing the workforce and leaders of tomorrow and managing change is what would be important to undertake as a challenge. We are perfectly positioned in the eye of the storm with the near retirement of a large segment of our workforce, and half-readiness of the next in line to take charge. To add to that, the growing diversity of multi-generational preferences, needs and world views call for completely shapeshifting how talent is attracted, retained,  motivated and developed. This change can only be managed well by the readiness of leaders and workforce who embrace the uncertainty and the unknown of tomorrow with a learning and doing mindset.

Mason Stevenson

From your perspective, what are the top 3 HR technology challenges facing HR today?

Dr. Ekta Vyas

Number 1:  cost and time investment to manage disparate systems since full transition to cloud-based fully integrated systems is a goal most organizations have not fully realized yet.

Secondly, finding a solution that’s scalable and can remove “waste” from HR processes to provide a seamless experience. We live in a world that is all about creating “experiences”.

And thirdly, too many promises and solutions offered by new technology that have not fully been validated and tested to provide long-term benefit.

Mason Stevenson

Can you give me a brief overview of your session?

Dr. Ekta Vyas

My session examines how the use of technology can amplify an organization’s employer brand. We live in a world where outreach to candidates and potential employees carries a very different meaning than in yesteryears. It is great to have multiple channels of communication out there that can be leveraged to help candidates understand your forganization’s value proposition to not just generate interest, but nurture it over time. This session talks to how we used the power of technology to establish and extend our employer brand at Stanford Children’s Health, along with a continued measurement of its ROI through advanced analytics, and the shifts we plan to make now in our continued journey.

Mason Stevenson

Finally, I have a fun question for you.  What’s your favorite movie?

Dr. Ekta Vyas

Gone with the Wind

HR Technology Online Summit North America

Dr. Ekta Vyas is the director of Human Resources for Stanford Children’s Health and a speaker for the HR Tech Online Summit North America event set for June 11-12.  She will go into much more detail about employer branding and HR technology. 

Key themes for the online event include:

  • Creating an HR department more strategy-focused and less transactional with automation and RPA
  • How to integrate AI into your overall strategy to remain agile, relevant and competitive
  • Effectively using recruitment technologies to find the best talent available for your organization to sustain business growth and survival
  • Becoming proficient at understanding and using data through effective application of people analytics
  • Consolidating your employee experience strategy to increase engagement, development and retention
  • Leveraging video, social media, gamification and microlearning to increase employee engagement

To register for the free-to-attend event, click here.

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