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How to answer questions on applications and in interviews when you were fired or left because of unethical behaviors on the part of past employer? Hi, where I live there are a handfull (maybe five)programs that are in my field. I have spent my life g

How to answer questions on applications and in interviews when you were fired or left because of unethical behaviors on the part of past employer? Hi, where I live there are a handfull (maybe five)programs that are in my field. I have spent my life getting education and experience to work in this field. I have worked at two of the perhaps five. The both jobs I was there for less than a year. The first one, the director likes to hire those who do not wish to persue thier education. He has no higher education. I wanted to go back to college and I believe he fired me because he thought I was trying to take his job by going back to school. I was there for two years. My state is an &quote; at will&quote; state. He claimed he fired me because &quote; falsification of records&quote; which I never did, he never produced the so call documents and when unemployment investigators,investigated they said unfounded. Q: Who do you word this on an application and explain in an interview The second job (most recent) I was only there for 6 months. It was the same kind of work. I am very good at it. I put in my resignation because of unrealistic expectation (all work was done by hand, that has to be done by computer. They had us doing 77 client caseloads when one person can do no more than 35, it's impossible, no time to do work, coworkders stay from 6am to 1am, I stayed most days from 9am to 11pm and only paid for 8hrs.) Unethical practices (the agency were doing thing to the clients that were against my creditials and ethical priciples) Hostile Enviroment (the COO had no educational background and would walk around chaning rules daily, changing file locations, hollaring, screaming and writing people up, not me, at first but others, but when I challeged her ethical practices and knowlege of the field I was credentialed for, she found something to right me up about that was untrue and I refused to sign, this was my que to resign) Also, there was Harrassment (when I put in my 6 weeks notice, a week before the time was up I began to be written up for little things. I know now it was to get out of paying me unemployment or have a reason to bad mouth me once I left. Q: What do I say on an application about this this job and how to I speak of it in an interviw? I really need help as I have been out of work for the first time for 9 whole weeks. I have had to change careers in my search efforts, but perhaps the reason I am not getting a job has something to do with the questions I have submitted above. Thank you so much for your help The second (most recent) job I had I

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