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Pragmatic Approach to Implement global HR Shared Services

Katherine Mehr | 09/09/2010

As companies look to develop and expand, globalization is a key instrument to improve cost efficiency and streamline crucial HR processes. Where the same HR functions are performed differently across the globe, many tasks can be consolidated into a comprehensive, task-specific business plan throughout Asia, Europe and the Americas while other tasks may need a more Regional approach.

Beginning with a regional approach and working toward globalization is highly suggested rather than delving directly into the worldwide efforts. With cost savings as a main driver, it’s important to ensure the implementation of an HR Shared Services function is done right.

The following key questions should be considered prior to implementation:

1. Why do it?
2. What are the business advantages?
3. Should we outsource?
4. What location should we choose?
5. What parts of HR should be included in the HR Shared Service function?
6. Can we standardize processes and legally comply with HR legislation?

Sid Forrest, Vice President of Human Resources for Enersys, discusses with Human Resources IQ, how to evaluate a current HR process to determine where globalization is viable and how to create pragmatic solutions and best practices.

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