Revolutionary Recruiter Posts

How Transparent are Your Practices?
Published: 2009-10-05
Transparent: easily seen through, recognized or detected. Take all of the same work styles of your current department and stick them in any other company. What's different? What's the same? It's easy to say that your co-wor...
The nine things that recruiters do that can irritate employees and recruits
"I met with a recruiter several weeks ago. I thought it went well; but looking back at the meeting, I got pumped for leads but never actually heard back from them." This is the number one complaint by candidates who have in...
"Recruiters are all the same. They ask to sponsor our group only to troll around and then leave. You guys [recruiters] just show up, bring the pizza and drinks, scatter your cards around, make fun of the geeks (don’t think we don’...
Six Pay Raise Alternatives
Published: 2009-04-15
As employers, especially today, we are lucky to be able to maintain our current staff levels and/or work with the employees that are left. Before everything went south, we were working late into the evenings, taking calls on the weekends and mis...