The Culture Club Posts

If organizations are living things, then the human beings who work there are the cells of the body. If the health of the body (i.e. the culture) is ignored, being focused instead on immediate gratification (quarterly profits) instead of long-term hea...
Let's Ship All the Jobs to China!
Published: 2008-11-12
What about those companies that have shipped the jobs to China? How can we compete with them when they are paying people so much less than we have to pay them here? The answer lies in the business.
How Culture Affects Onboarding
Published: 2008-10-14
I read on the Internet that 80 percent of all new employees decide within the first six months if they are going to stay with their current employers or begin looking for "new opportunities." Whether this figure is the result of research or not...
The most difficult challange that organizations face today is employee leaving thir posts for various reasons, While it may be difficult to stop them from doing so, here is a retention strategy for forward thinking organizations
How Do You Define a Culture?
Published: 2008-09-29
"Oh," mentioned the recruiter, "this is a position that fits well with your skills." "Okay," I said, "tell me more about the company." "Well, it is an interesting place that I am su...
It’s all about culture. P...
The Culture of Learning
Published: 2008-09-16
Training doesn’t work! That is the axiom that many people have lived by for years. Training is presented as the magic wand that when one waves in the air, everybody comes back changed. But, as we all know, it never really works that way. You ca...
Selecting the best candidate to lead a team can be a very tedious process and getting it wrong can be a big problem for a organization. Here's an HR's perspctive of how to seelct the best candidate lead from various applications
How does culture affect profitability? Even though the tableware industry has been in turmoil over the past couple of years, with a number of bankruptcies and mergers and sales down 15 percent over the past year, Replacements Ltd. has actually grown by 12 percent in the same period.
Growing up in a Jewish home, I never really understood what it was like to know the disappointment a child feels when he finally learns there is no Santa. That was until recently. After 11 years of having my own consulting practice, I recently d...