A Leader's Perspective on Benefits

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Nora Castillo, HRIS and Benefits Administrator at Istation, talks about the practical side of benefits.

Benefits are a big draw for employees. In the United States especially, people often look for companies that can provide them with compensation packages that include solid medical insurance and retirement savings. These are the basic offerings. In recent years, HR professionals have begun administering pet insurance, commuter benefits, fertility and menopause benefits, and more. 

Despite the shiny objects that come and go in the world of benefits, those managing what is offered (and what isn't) must stay grounded and consider practical matters like budget and who will actually make use of the benefit. Watch this video of HR Exchange Network's interview with Nora Castillo, HRIS and Benefits Administrator at Istation. She'll discuss the practical, the ideal, and non-monetary benefits of work, too. 

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