Lessons From Peter Drucker Posts

Drucker's Most Incredible Idea
Published: 2011-07-11
Drucker said that the really big advances with the potential to take you far head of your competitors, both within and outside of your organization, came from applying ideas from completely different functional areas, industries, or subjects beyond your ordinary day-to-familiarity.
Drucker summarized what he expected from the leader with one of Hippocrates’s concepts: primum non nocere. This means "above all, do no harm." Hippocrates was a Greek physician born in 460 BC. As Peter Drucker i...
Drucker was an entrepreneur, and in many ways, he promoted entrepreneurial approaches for all business functions, whether they were inherently entrepreneurial or not.
Quality is a very necessary and important part of the product or service that you offer: whether the product is an automobile or an airplane, potential candidates for a job, or due diligence accomplished by a consultant, attorney, or accountant prior to an acquisition.
The 7 Mothers of Invention. This is from Where the Best Innovations Come From
Learn about the fundamental purpose of businesses and the myth of profit maximization and how it is dangerous.
Years ago Peter Drucker wrote that "Because the purpose of business is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two--and only two--basic functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results; all the rest are costs." Was Drucker being overly simplistic?
How to Succeed in Business
Published: 2010-12-02
To Peter Drucker, management was more than a job, even more than a profession. It was a calling. From him I learned something that I have tried to express in all of my books, speeches, and articles. You don’t get ahead by fighting your way...
The Courage to Prevail
Published: 2010-11-01
Drucker said that fear of losing one’s job was inconsistent with the ability to perform optimally as a manager. In fact, any fear can negatively affect the...
Peter Drucker was the first to understand that the basis of success in any business rested on only two basic functions. I emphasize that Drucker referred to an...
Drucker was once a serious musician and he studied music composition under a famous Austrian composer, Anton Webern. Drucker knew that he was progressing prett...
Journalists interviewing me about my books on Drucker frequently ask this question: "What was Drucker’s most valuable lesson?" With so many insights, so...
There was one book on leadership, however, which Drucker not only read, but considered his favorite. Drucker wrote: "The first systematic book on leadership: the Kyropaidaia of Xenophon – himself no mean leader of men – is still the best book on the subject
Drucker concluded that considerations for workers in and out of the workplace were the responsibility of the corporate leader just as much as the profits, survival, and growth of the business or organization. Therefore, he taught that there were social responsibilities of business.
Drucker felt that personal integrity had to be a part of everything that a manager did, and that without it, a leader had no legitimacy to lead. Personal integrity frequently plays a major role in a professional becoming a leader, and personal integrity is important in leadership and development
Drucker on Business Ethics
Published: 2010-03-11
Drucker was extremely ethical in his outlook and all he did. On a personal level he was one of the most ethical individuals I have ever met. However from both his writing and classroom lectures, it was clear that he struggled mighti...
How to Develop a Strategy
Published: 2010-02-12
Drucker’s views on strategy were quite different from those taught by others. He did not believe in "portfolio management" or quantitative methods for strategy development. Drucker felt that every situation had to be approached individuall...
When asked about his ability to predict the future so accurately, something he had said couldn’t be done by anyone, Drucker answered that he simply "looked out the window" and reported what he saw. Of course, he was fond of answering quest...
Peter Drucker placed an enormous emphasis on determining the real business of an organization.
Peter Drucker told us that no manager could operate effectively without taking risks. Taking professional risks demands self confidence. Drucker wrote that fear of job loss was inconsistent with doing your best. But how can you not fear job loss...
Drucker said that the best way to predict the future is to create it. However, as a self-proclaimed social ecologist he was not in a position himself to create the future of large organizations or events in society. Yet even without creating man...
Engagement is a fairly recent term in business, but Peter Drucker saw its need long ago and showed how managers could develop it in their workforce. To contribute significantly to the goals set by the manager, an engaged worker is required
The Seven Deadly Sins of Leadership
Published: 2009-08-17
Drucker set very high ethical standards for all leaders. To Drucker, management as a profession practiced by leaders was a "calling" regardless of the environment in which it was practiced. So he saw leaders as being special people entrusted wit...
Integrity Is Not About Profit
Published: 2009-07-13
Peter Drucker was one of the most ethical individuals I have ever met. He admired the way the military led, and I shared research I had done on military leadership applied to business with him. He was enthusiastic about my publishing it. It even...
Drucker is rarely quoted on this, but it was one of his most common cautions to us in his classroom: "What everybody knows is frequently wrong." I began to think more deeply about what the words really meant. This seemingly simple...