Building a Culture of Health
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Wellness programs are on the rise—but even the best intended initiatives can flounder if they're built in a piecemeal, rather than systemic way.
Creating a "culture of health" means that your organization doesn’t just offer health management programs, but transforms its entire approach to health and wellness. It requires a commitment that addresses both the whole population and the whole person. True success requires not only the right resources and programs, but the right corporate culture.
Scott Heimes, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Consumer Engagement for WebMD Health Services discusses with Human Resources IQ best practices for building a culture of health that encourage healthier behavior.
In this podcast, Heimes discusses:
1. How to develop policy and engage stakeholders.
2. How to bring about healthy lifestyle changes.
3. Pitfalls to avoid.
4. Ways to recognize success and measure impact.
When you do it right, lifestyle changes can be a very healthy thing for your population, and your bottom line!