Using Employee Self Service Portals to Reduce Costs
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Turbulent economic times require most organization to put future growth plans on hold and implement initiatives that will immediately affect the bottom-line.
North Broward Hospital, along with many other healthcare facilities, is a highly regulatory organization that must follow compliance initiatives. It is Human Resources’ responsibility to ensure that orientation programs meet regulatory compliances; otherwise they risk losing Medicare accreditation and could receive numerous fines.
With more students than employees rotating through the North Broward Hospital in a given year, Jean Seaver, Director of Learning & Development, decided it was time to change and enhance their orientation program. Her objective was to provide vendors, students and physicians with an automated system to access all HR and compliance materials they would need.
Seaver discusses with Human Resources IQ how she switched to a student and vendor portal via the Internet to streamline initiatives, which also resulted in $90K in savings for the organization.