by Mark F. Herbert
The U.S department of Labor estimates that employee turnover; voluntary and involuntary is costing our economy $5 trillion dollars yearly. The American Mental Health Association indicates we lose another $200 billion annually to "presenteeism" – employees who fail to perform at full capacity because of dissatisfaction, work related stress or just general apathy.
How much longer will it takes us to understand that people and talent are not a commodity to be harvested and discarded?
Here is a sobering truth: there is something worse employees can do than leave when they are unhappy or disenchanted: they can stay with your organization. If a competent employee stays, you clearly want to move them from a compliant attitude to a committed, healthy team member and brand advocate.
A 2010 Hay Group study demonstrated that moving an organization from moderate or low engagement to high engagement can improve revenue growth by 250 percent and reduce unwanted turnover by over 40 percent. In this eBook, Mark Herbert goes about refining and promoting a model to do just that-- moving from Compliance to Commitment™.
About the Author
Mark F. Herbert is a Principal of Mark F. Herbert & Associates, Inc and New Paradigms LLC. Mark is a Certified Facilitator for both the Achieve Global and Integrity Systems suite of programs. He is the primary author of the blog Creating Paradigm Shifts, and a frequent contributor to BestThinking, BankMarketing News, and Small Business Edge.
He is a featured expert in areas including organizational development, employee engagement, employment branding, and change management on,,, and and has a monthly podcast, on