Bridging the Gap: Cross Gen Communication & Engagement in the Public Sector

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Katherine Mehr
Katherine Mehr

Generational diversity is one of many areas of diversity in today’s business environment. Just like dealing with racial and gender diversity, any of the diversity factors that go unaddressed can negatively impact an organization from various fronts.

From the generational capacity, if awareness and the viewpoints of the various generations and what helped to shape them is not put out via major communication and open, honest and transparent communication and throughout the entire workforce, then various team performance issues can arise.

The most important thing is if these matters are not addressed people will continue to make assumptions and stereotypes that will negatively impact retention, engagement and productivity.

Scott Span, President of Tolero Solutions, Organizational Development & Change Consulting discusses with Human Resources IQ, key factors of the generational workforce as it pertains to the public sector and government job opportunities.

Span addresses in this podcast:

1. Generational characteristics and what that means for the workforce

2. Challenges the public sector/government has in terms of recruiting

3. Key tips that Gen Y’s need when entering the government workforce

Editor's Note: Scott Span will be speaking at’s Next Generation of Government Summit, taking place July 6 & 7th in Arlington, Va.