Talent Management at the City of Westminster Council
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Graham White, Director of HR at City of Westminster Council, London, joined Human Resources IQ recently to discuss different talent management strategies.
This interview was conducted in relation to the Human Resources IQ’s European Talent Management Summit, taking place on the 27th-28th September in London.
In this comprehensive podcast, Mr White offers insight into the talent management strategy at City of Westminster Council. He reflects on the transparency of the processes and the main challenges ahead. White then discusses the impact of the recession on talent retention, recent strategies to counteract these problems, and investment plans for talent acquisition and development. The interview also looks at how return on investment of talent development processes is measured.
The interview finishes with Mr White highlighting the importance of digital media to source new talent and finally reflects on how HR and talent management functions should be aligned with the overall goals of an organization.
Mr White will be leading a session at HR IQ's Talent Management Summit, where he will offer his insight on competitive landscape, recruitment process and efficient talent assessment.
‘For us the real issue is that the competitive landscape right now in the public sector is somewhat covered in fog’ says White. ‘With all the reshaping, the budget cuts, the recessionary impact on services, right at this point in time it’s very difficult to put talent management at the top of any senior manager’s agenda, who’s trying to see how they can reduce their workforce, change the way they operate, and ultimately save money for the council taxpayers.’
Other key sessions at the event include:
• Appropriate Talent Deployment to Maximise Performance and Engagement by Caroline Curtis, Head of Talent Development and Performance, Santander
• Effectively Identifying Potential and High Performers by Nick Kemsley, Co-Director Centre for HR Excellence, Hitachi Data Systems
• Knowing the Talent Supply Across the Organization by Lucy Grainger
Head of Talent Services, Siemens
• Developing and Implementing Robust Training and Coaching Models to Maximise Performance by Katrine Smith, Senior Manager, Talent Management Team, Panasonic
• Developing Leaders and Promoting a Sustainable Talent Culture by Thomas Atterstam Group Head of Talent and Senior Management Development, Prudential
If you want to find out more, please visit the event website www.talentmanagment.com email enquire@iqpc.co.uk or call 44 (0) 207 368 9300
Joanna Checinska
email: joanna.checinska@iqpc.co.uk
Website: www.talentmanagementeurope.com
phone: 44 (0) 2073689300